Correlation of Graphs

From this graph, it can tell there is a strong positive correlation between life expectancy and the income per person (GDP/capita) . As the income per person (GDP/capita) increases, the life expectancy increases. Central African Republic has the lowest income per person (GDP/capita), with shortest life expectancy. On the other hand, Qatar has the highest income per person (GDP/capita) with long life expectancy. This is a graph with strong correlation, higher income make people able to afford things for their better health care. Graph also tells us that most of African countries has lower income per person (GDP/capita) with short life expectancy than the rest of the world. Most of Asian countries stays in the middle, developed countries has higher income per person (GDP/capita) with longer life expectancy, which are the most of Europe countries, and United States.
This is the graph shows the relationship between the crude birth rate, and GDP per capita. This graph shows there's negative correlation. As the GDP per capita increases, the crude death rate decreases. Democratic Rep. of Congo has the highest crude death rate among other countries, with the lowest GDP per capita. Luxembourg has the highest GDP per capita, with low but not lowest crude death rate. This is because more money people has, the better treatment they can get for diseases and injuries. However, the recent problem, ageing population may causes the death rate of developed countries. Such as Japan, has 9.56 of crude death rate, which is similar to Liberia, where they only have 279 GDP per capita. Another example, UAE has the lowest crude death rate, but not the one has highest GDP per capita. Looking at it overall, it shows African countries has higher crude death rate, most of them have lower GDP per capita. Some of them has better GDP per capita, but still having high crude death rate. This may be caused by lack of resources, which make treatments they need cost more than other places.
This is a graph with no correlation at all. When a country has a high democracy score,African countries has high crude birth rate.. Countries like China has low crude birth rate, at the same time having low democracy score, so does the Belarus a country located in Europe. Also some African countries such as Senegal has high democracy scores than other African countries, but still with high crude birth rate. Democracy scores of countries do not influences the crude birth rate.